Sunday, 31 July 2011

Assignment 2- final

I decided to go with the 1 that look like a heart shape. After all, my subject is love and the symbol of heart is widely recognized as the symbol of love.




The 1st picture shows that I just draw the typography in the shape of a heart. using only pencil, i manage to sketch the shape like that.

The 2nd picture show that i have finish coloring it like in the picture. By using only pastel color, i manage to color my artwork smoothly. 

The 3rd picture shows that using black water color, I carefully painted the edge of artwork to make it look bold and pop from everything else.

The reason why i choose to make my art work like this is because it is simple. The word "FALLING" that i show in this artwork are purposely design like the shape of heart. I purposely place it on the bottom right of the canvas to show the falling motion. I only use 3 color just enough to attract people attention but at the same time will be focusing on the typography. The letter "i" and "n" in the word "falling" are purposely painted in black while others in red. Red are the color of love and black shows doubt, uncertainty and insecure. The background are white to show that falling in love is pure (ha ha). To me, falling in love is as easy as 1, 2, 3. Just like the color for this art work which is red, black and white.

Thank you.

Assignment 2- ideas

The development of this idea comes from different type of source. Some of them by surfing the net, some by personal  idea, some by help from friends and family and many more... Mr Bad told me not to put to much color that it will overshadow the typography which is the main objective for this assignment. I would also like to apply the rules of third on this assignment giving that my 1st assignment does not have that.

1st idea that doesn't go well.

This is good but the color doesn't really attract the
the attention that I want.

Just doing this will give me a lot of ideas. To many 
image give me a lot of ideas.

Assignment 2- reference for typography

I always been fascinated by how the artist convey the typography to look like an image. This kind of typography will become the choice for my artwork in this assignment. 

Assignment 2- what is happiness

Forget the self-help books. No book or person can promise you happiness.
Christmas time is the most likely time of the year to experience depression. We share our love with friends and family, and get lots of gifts. So why aren’t we all joyous? What the hell is going on?
Did you ever wonder why people like Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson didn’t fare any better than you or I despite all their money, fame, and access to people of wisdom?
The answer lies in your own backyard. Look at the shrubs, tangled with vines, with here and there a sumac jutting out from the maze. Look at the pines pressed against the shingles for want of more sunlight, their roots reaching under the house to the length of 20 feet. In an effort to maintain themselves, I have known willows near the foundation to break into the cellar pipes for want of water.
What is a tree, after all, but a trunk with so many roots and leaves bringing food and water to the organism? After billions of years of evolution, it was inevitable that life would acquire the ability to locomote, to hunt and see, to protect itself from competitors. Observe the ants in the woodpile. They can engage in combat just as resolutely as any human. Our guns and ICBMs are merely the jaws of a more clever ant.
The goal of life is life. Every impulse and thought is a device developed towards that end. Consider our own species. We hunt and gather, do the dishes, and have sex. By day and night, we are serenaded by the notes of Beethoven modulating over the trump of the bullfrogs and the songs of the mating bird. Even poetry and art reflect our humanity and are impelled by instincts – by forms of fear and powerlessness, of pugnacity and mastery, of association and love.
To many creatures there are but a few necessities of life: food, water, shelter. To a bumblebee, these are a few flowers full of nectar. Even humankind is led by these primary drives, although we have invented not only the house and clothing but fire to cook our food. What pains we take during the holidays, with our mincemeat pies and rum cakes. The poor are wont to complain that they have no food for their families, and we devote a great deal of our economy to agriculture and housing.
Of course, the effort for self-preservation is vague and varied. There is, for instance, the need for understanding and knowledge to guide our emotions, to tame the beast in our animal nature. What shameless and chaotic lives many of us would live if we were not awakened by better desires from within.
Our behavior is motivated by needs and wants. Pleasure and pain consist in the extent to which these desires are satisfied or hindered. “Pleasure” according to Spinoza, one of the greatest philosophers of all time “is man’s transition from a lesser state of perfection to a greater. Pain is man’s transition from a greater state of perfection to a lesser.”
Here is a goal – completeness and power – that is wonderfully attractive to us at a time of recession, and when many lack the means to feed and clothe themselves. And when we have found all power, we may not be happier for it. When we have overcome our struggles and have no ambitions and no defeats, what do we do next? Build taller and more splendid houses, weave finer clothing? Where does the power to act come from when desire has been quieted?
Have you ever wondered why every TV show, movie, and book has villains? Every writer knows that the good guy has to be threatened somehow, perhaps chased by someone with a gun or an ax. Even Cinderella had an evil stepmother and had to sit in the cinders after she finished her work. Meeting the Prince just wouldn’t have been the same if she had been a spoiled little rich girl.
The keenest pleasures are for those who experience the keenest pain.
You can’t change the equation of life. And remember, while the world is celebrating the holiday season, if you’re depressed and have the blues it’s just money in the bank. And when your turn comes, spend it on something that you will be proud of.
Robert Lanza, MD worked with (and published a series of scientific papers with) the late Harvard psychologist B.F. Skinner, the father of modern behaviorism. His new book – Biocentrism – lays out his theory of everything.

Assignment 2- Emotion

   In this assignment, i would like to talk about the emotion that are involve in all of this. Happy is one of it. Every time that we fell in love, we tend to be happy. The feeling also mix up with doubt, insecure, anxiety, adrenaline rush and many more.
   But have you ever wondering why you are driving slow, enjoying the road, scenery, sing along the song in the radio? That is usually how you felt when you are in love. you would not be driving fast and cursing alot when you are in love. The happy feeling overwhelm your self.

Assignment 2- about typography

Typography (from the Greek words τύπος(typos) = form and γραφή(graphy) = writing) is the art and technique of arranging type. The arrangement of type involves the selection of typefaces, point size, line length,leading (line spacing), adjusting the spaces between groups of letters (tracking) and adjusting the space between pairs of letters (kerning). Type design is a closely related craft, which some consider distinct and others a part of typography; most typographers do not design typefaces, and some type designers do not consider themselves typographers.
Typography is performed by typesetters, compositors, typographers, graphic designers, art directors, comic book artists, graffiti artists, clerical workers, and anyone else who arranges type for a product. Until theDigital Age, typography was a specialized occupation. Digitization opened up typography to new generations of visual designers and lay users. According to David Jury, "Typography is now something everybody does."

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Assignment 2- Typography

In this assignment, i would like to talk about one of the feeling when your in love. That is happy.
When you are falling in love, you tend to feel happy. Nobody fell in love and hate it (at the beginning).